Skyzoo · Crown Holder

I've been gone a few days, but am dipping my toe into the pool before diving back in, with the perfect track for it.

This is the first hip-hop song I've known to flip Hot Music by Soho, that house classic that always gets the floor moving. That song is filtered and slowed down a bit to match Skyzoo's flow. That man makes complicated rhyming look and sound so easy. It makes sense that he's been a writer for himself and others.

Skyzoo saunters over the track. His voice saunters over the best while remaining in a pocket throughout both verses. The only possible complaint would be a wish fo r a third verse. I did keep nodding through the bridge, however. I put this on when I'm walking a few miles and want to set the pace.

P.S. I don't know where I got "Crown Chasers" from. Song title has been fixed.