bonobo · Ketto

"Terrapin" was the first song I'd heard from Bonobo. It was one of the singles that found its way onto many downtempo compilations at the time. While I usually had a rule of "I need to hear three singles before I'll buy the album" from taking too many chances on underground hip-hop albums at shops like Disc Diggers, I'd break that rule if something grabbed my ear enough.

Bonobo definitely did that for me with Terrapin. I'd started to experience trip-hop & downtempo (would this be referred to as Lo-Fi nowadays?) that seemed a bit more organic, with sounds and tones whose source instruments could be identified in a line up; whether sitar, guitar, or harp. Songs were becoming more than aesthetically pleasings static soundscapes, but changing, transforming, developing journeys. I grabbed every album that was released, enjoying different tracks at different times.

In Ketto, I get the feeling of walking onto a plane and feeling it take off. The first part of the song sets the table, providing a good aural environment I can settle into. When the harp and chant merge with tinkling cymbals, I can close my eyes and imagine myself taking off and heading towards the sky. Note to self; I've got to play this when leaving somewhere.