While checking out different tribes on Tribe.net, I found something that threw me for a loop. Now, I'm all in favor of hedonism in general, and going to great lengths to find that pleasurable activity in particular. I'm also in favor of living and letting live (I wish some people I know could do the same, but that's another story)....

Racial BDSM, on the other hand, takes it to one of my limits, IMO. Here are some excerpts from the article:

"begun to engage in what is called 'race play' or 'racial play' -- that is getting aroused by intentionally using racial epithets like the word 'nigger' or racist scenarios like a slave auction. "

(Bond refers to Mike Bond, a Racial BDSM proponent)
"During his workshop, Bond told the audience about his own history. He first considered race play when a partner asked if it was humiliating for him as a black man to bow before her, a white woman. He hadn't thought about it before. 'But if that made it more embarrassing, ' he said, 'then I was all for it.'

On the panel with Bond were three white women he has played with. They emphasized that race play isn't about hate. For one woman calling Bond 'nigger' was just another bad name that aroused him. But another woman, who is Jewish, said it took time and encouragement to be able to relax with race play. After the talk came the demonstration: A woman dressed in a business suit and planted in the audience heckled Bond, then grabbed him by the collar and threw him down, all the while yelling about what gave Bond the right to criticize 'her people' (rednecks)."


I don't have any words for now. I do know that I don't want togo there when I'm in the bedroom. Too much blood going in both directions...something has to suffer for it.

If you have any comments on this, let 'er rip. I've removed the login requirement, so hit me up.